Uniform Sampling

To uniformly sample points over a volume one needs to consider the infinitesimal volume element corresponding to that specific geometry in a given coordinate system.

More SQL

Let’s say we have the following table Users, where user_id is the column with unique values for this table. The goal is to find for each user, the minimum of the two values for col_a and col_b.

| Column Name | Type     |
| user_id     | int      |
| col_a       | int      |
| col_b       | int      |

To do this, we can use the LEAST function (and its counterpart GREATEST):

  LEAST(col_a, col_b) AS min_val
FROM Users

Sliding window

This iterative technique is useful when dealing with problems that involve finding a (longest/shortest) subsequence that satisfies a given criteria in a string or an array. We maintain two pointers, left and right; initially located at the first index.


A recursive algorithm is one which calls itself, on a subset of input. To setup a correct recursion and to avoid infinite loops, one must take the following into account:

  • setup the base case
  • recursive calls should lead towards the base case

Binary Trees

A binary tree is a tree data structure where every node has at most two children. Each node can be of three categories - the root which has no parent, the leaf which have no children, and the inner nodes, which have at least one child. A node can be defined as follows:

SQL Patterns

NOTE: When solving sql questions always make sure that all the required components listed below are taken care of:

ML Design

A ML design task can broadly be classified into the following components, in order of priority:

  • Defining success metrics
  • Data pipelines
  • Backend model design
  • Online model design
  • Model evaluation
  • Model monitoring
  • Serving

Defining success metrics

IMDB movie reviews

The goal of this notebook is to understand some details about Huggingface’s dataset and transformer libraries and also as a reference point for fine-tuning a LLM model for a classification task.


One of the most basic things that one can do with an array is to have a pointer or a set of pointers that traverse the array in some fashion. The number of pointers to book-keep depends on the question at hand. Let’s look at few sample problems to understand this concept: